Vanolarm Affiliates
Welcome to the Vanolarm Affiliate team and we are delighted you are considering becoming a Vanolarm Affiliate for our Smart Alarm + Tracker.
As you’ll know, we are a small team of dedicated individuals committed to disrupting the huge increases in Van, Camper Vans and Trailer thefts.
work from anywhere affiliate

When we designed Vanolarm, we recognised that there were already some great vehicle anti theft products on the market, of course some awful ones too, yet nearly all were at a high price, needed specialist costly installation and didn’t raise instant alerts to the user.  

We asked ourselves, ‘Was the rise in vehicle theft and contents due to the average person in the street not being able to afford such costly, retro fit, alarm and tracker systems? If this was the case, then if we brought an affordable, high quality, product to market that the client could fit themselves etc, then would we see an increase in vehicle being secured and consequently disrupt the worrying increase in rising theft?’ So we went and asked, to which the reply was an emphatic yes, ‘if we could find an affordable, system that truly helped prevent against Van and contents theft, then we would purchase it’ and from there Vanolarm was born.

Designing Vanolarm from the ground up allowed us not only to build a system that was easy to use by our clients, yet one that took into consideration how thieves were actually stealing vehicle (even when factory fitted alarm systems were in place).

Yes we are all used to hearing, ‘my locks were broken’, ‘they peeled my door/window’, ‘they cut a hole in my van’, yet these tend to be the sensationalised media interpretation of how modern day vans/vehicles are stolen. Of course these types of thefts do happen, yet most vehicles are now stolen via ‘key hacking’ or actually breaking into homes/work places to steal the keys. Both of these options are now preferred by the thieves as they can easily disarm any alarm system installed as well as, of course, gain easy entry into the vehicle and steal it at the same time. Naturally Vanolarm was designed with this in mind, more than just a siren (which are now ignored by 94% of the public), Vanolarm is virtually impossible to key hack and if the key fob is stolen, then the main smart alarm and tracker can’t be deactivated with this fob. Ensuring the owner can still receive the instant alerts, of any attempted break-ins, to their phones, whilst ensuring their tracker is still live and active also.

Van Alarm System by Vanolarm

Many modern thieves now recognise that GPS trackers are installed to many vehicles and have started using scanners to find the trackers and remove them, or alternatively steal the vehicle and hide it in a multi story car park to block the GPS signal. Vanolarm works these two methods into its protection protocols also. As such it’s virtually impossible to scan the location of a Vanolarm system and if the vehicle is stolen and relocated to an area that blocks the GPS signal, GSM tracking ‘kicks in’ as a backup. GSM doesn’t need line of site to satellites and although not as accurate as GPS puts the owner in the general vicinity of their vehicle.

Affiliate lifestyle

Finally we noted that almost all other vehicle security systems, in the marketplace, required a thief to gain entry (door contacts alarms, internal PIR sensors etc), prior to their sirens and/or alerts being raised. Such entry often, meant costly damage to the vehicle and once a thief was in the vehicle it was easy to grab contents within seconds and make their escape before anyone could respond. So we again designed Vanolarm taking this into consideration. Vanolarm will ring its siren and send its instant alerts to the owner prior to entry being made into the vehicle. Thus meaning, far less opportunity for theft and less damage to the vehicle also. In fact, we believe, sounding the alarm and raising the alerts prior to entry is a key reason for our phenomenal anti theft figures. Only ‘one’ ever vehicle has been reported to have a break-in from 7.5k+ vehicles protected with Vanolarm. Plus not one single loss of a vehicle to date. The thief is surprised by the siren activating by the simple action of pulling a door handle, tapping a lock etc and moves on to ‘easier pickings’.

Affiliates on phone

When you take into consideration a Vanolarm system starts from an incredible £99.95, with all the tech and modern anti-theft protocols employed, then you quickly become to realise the opportunity Vanolarm not only has in terms of disrupting the increasing theft figure, yet also how it is disrupting the conventional vehicle security market.

We’re not the only people to see the benefits Vanolarm brings to the market. Having recently partnered with ‘high street name’ Admiral Insurance via their Toolbox by Admiral policy, we are delighted that such a high profile business also sees the potential of the Vanolarm system. Oh and they give an exclusive 20% discount on their insurance for anyone that has purchased a Vanolarm system.   

Vanolarm and toolbox by admiral

So that’s enough about why and how Vanolarm are quickly becoming one of the leading retro-fit Smart Alarm + Tracker systems in the country, let’s talk about how you can benefit from this success via our Vanolarm Affiliate scheme.

One thing we’ve learnt over our short history is, how much people love our product and how many sales are actually due to recommendations. So we said to ourselves, well why not reward anyone and all those that are prepared to promote our products. What’s more we recognise the in the world of ‘blog post’, ‘video blogs’, ‘video channels’, ‘social media channel’, ‘influencers’ etc then there is an opportunity for us to get the ‘message out there’ far more quickly, whilst sharing in our success via our Vanolarm Affiliate scheme. 

Vanolarm affiliate

Rarely do you see the opportunity to partner with such innovative, proven and trusted business such as Vanolarm. Did we say we had industry beating return rates of only 2.89% (industry average for our sector in ecommerce is 6%-8%), cementing Vanolarms quality status whilst proving its reliability/desirability at the same time.

With our average sales price of £138.00, our Vanolarm affiliates have the opportunity to achieve a healthy, risk free, income based on our favourable 15% (net price) commission on every item sold via their promotion or recommendation.

We’re even partnering with ecommerce/high st stores that see the no hassle, risk free opportunities the Vanolarm affiliate program can offer them.

Affiliate income

Risk free, because there is no need to buy stock, no need for handling of goods, no need for postage and packaging, no need for customer service etc etc. All our Vanolarm affiliates need to do is simply promote us via their friend networks, social media networks, video channels, online store etc and if a person becomes interested in the product then we do the rest. As an affiliate you’ll also qualify for a 15% discount off a Vanolarm system for your own use also and if you want a system to test and demonstrate for 30 days we’ll be happy to send one out to you F.O.C*.

What your friends/peers/customers/follower gain from your recommendation is the assurity of a fully tested and proven Smart alarm + Tracker system. A system that has phenomenal anti-theft statistics, whilst also giving them the ultimate peace of mind. A system which costs are unrivalled within its sector and of course a system who’s annual tracking costs are also unrivalled (both offering the client at least 50% sayings over their nearest like for like alternative). Not forgetting the opportunity for all purchasers to also gain an exclusive 20% off Toolbox by Admiral services.

So what is needed to become a Vanolarm affiliate:-

You’ll need to be based in the UK (moving into Europe and US soon).

You’ll need to be 18yrs plus.

You’ll need a Paypal account, so that we can pay your monthly commissions.

You’ll need to work outside the adults services, gambling and any unethical industry sectors.

You’ll need to register your interest via our affiliate online application form.

You’ll need to have read and agreed the affiliate agreement/T&C’s.

That’s it, no tie-ins, no products to purchase, no hassle. Once you’re signed up and you application approved, you’ll receive a unique links and media for promoting our site to your friends/peers/customers/follower. From there our automated systems do all the work. When someone clicks on your unique link and this then results in a Vanolarm purchase our systems will register the sale against your name/details. Then at the end of them month you’ll receive your 15% commission payment direct into your Paypal account. It’s a simple as that.

Affiliates helping others

As ‘side hustles’ go the Vanolarm affiliate scheme, truly does seem to be a ‘no brainer’? We look forward to welcoming you to the team soon.   

* Terms Apply in relation to un-returned sample goods. Applications via contact form after registration

**Earning per 1000 views are average, target market specific 

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