Trust Pilot Vanolarm reviews were first drawn to our attention by our tech team who notice an influx of comments on our social media advertising telling people to go and see the Trust Pilot Vanolarm reviews.
Such posts were unusual in the first place, yet when the majority of these reviews were only 1* it raised obvious concern with us.

So of course we sent our tech guys off to investigate what was going on. After all prior to the Trust Pilot Vanolarm reviews the very vast majority of reviews we had received, over the years, had always been 4*-5*
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It wasn’t long before our tech guys noticed that most of the reviewers only had 1-2 review postings. On top of this many of the reviews were coming from a single IP address from abroad (we only currently sell in the UK).
It was at this point, we suspect ‘unfair play’. Under further investigation we discovered that it is possible to hire third party unscrupulous agencies. For a fee these agencies can deliver fake reviews to almost any platform.

We further noticed that the Trust Pilot Vanolarm reviews page, people were being directed to, was not actually related to Vanolarm . The page had been set up by a third party under Our business operates and is trademarked under Again raising suspicions of ‘unfair play’.

Naturally we chose to get in contact with Trust Pilot and raise our concerns. They quickly supported our allegations of possible third part ‘negative review’ agency involvement and started taking down false reviews accordingly.
In addition to this they confirmed the page was not a legitimate review page for Vanolarm and accordingly ceased any activity taking place on the page.

So as the saying goes it does seem ‘You should not believe everything you read’.
Of course as a business who have 1000’s of sales to date, we are not going to be able to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. This said with industry beating return rates at least one third less than other ecommerce electronic suppliers we know we’re doing something right (industry averages 8% our are 2.76%)
Not convinced? Then see independent Youtube reviews, FB reviews, reviews on our sales page etc. Still not convinced, then you always have our Money Back Guarantee to fall back on.